Friday, December 19, 2008

2008's Reading Achievements

This year, from the Observer's top 100, I have read (having not previously read):

The Trial (# 49*)
Lanark (#86)

I also started Money and Scoop, but failed to finish them, having been thwarted by the NYPL and its ability to recall your books. Great when you want them, not so much when you have to return them when you've not got round to reading them. My problem is that I'm too greedy, and I want them all at once. I don't pace myself with my book orders; I forget that it's not like Netflix with your "only two at a time" business.** Maybe I should suggest that... I also read other things by authors on this list, at least, such as The Stranger by Camus, Bleak House by Dickens (which I adored).

Of the two "classics," The Trial was by far my favourite. I took Lanark with me to Africa, and it really was not the suitable time or place for it. Some books are just meant to be read - or not read - in certain climes; certainly, Lanark deserved grey skies and mizzle, not scorching blue skies and turquoise seas. The Trial we read in law school, clearly oppressive enough a climate for me.

Ah well, next year to become more erudite. Plus, I have another book club, which hopefully will increase my posting, reading, and general fabulousness.

* The list is done chronologically, not in order of brilliance.

** Along those lines, just found out that The Terror Presidency by Jack Goldsmith has been recalled. Dammit!

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